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Energy massage

This method, although purely personal, is derived from the theories of cranial osteopathy and Chinese acupuncture, but it is neither osteopathy nor acupuncture, because there is no spinal manipulation, no needle.


The “Rousselot” technique is a massage, which however aims, like these two practices from which it derives, to eliminate not the effect of the disease, but its cause. It acts on the level of the imbalance of energies which impregnate the physical and the psychic of the individual. These energies have a particular origin, but which is based on a hypothesis, which it would be both tedious and useless to mention in this explanation.


However, these energies, in addition to the hereditary imbalance that influences them, can come up against artificial barriers acquired during the life of the individual, at the physical level by joint, visceral or cranial trauma, at the psychic level by shocks emotional. From then on, these barriers are camouflaged over the years by the appearance of compensatory lesions, which create the symptoms for which you come to consult.

Vase à fleurs noires
Tasse à thé orientale

The “treatment” consists of three stages 

Lift offsets, which initially worsens symptoms


Lift the primary traumatic lesion, which awakens the innate problems of     the individual.


Treat the site of birth, in order to avoid a possible recurrence.

It must be understood that this technique does not in any way consist of a deliberate act by the practitioner to remove the lesion or lesions that unbalance your body, which would require a diagnosis, but that its purpose is to eliminate the barriers that have been preventing your body from manifesting its defense for many years.

Become aware

that it is you who are going to carry out your own manipulations, and that all the unpleasant reactions which will follow, both physically and psychically, will come from the depths of your Being, which has supported them perhaps since your birth, by a frenzied production, therefore tiring , anti-stress and anti-inflammatory substances.


This massage is not strictly speaking a "medicine", and this is why one should not expect miracles or results in cases such as chromosomal anomalies, serious bone or tissue degeneration, viral or parasitic diseases, purely psychiatric.

However, there is no age limit, the massage can benefit both centenarians and infants.

équilibrer les roches

Some precisions

Contrary to theory, practice very often demonstrates that it is not always enough to eliminate the effects of the physical or psychological trauma, from which the patient began to present a physical imbalance, pain or stiffness, or psychological, aggressiveness - anxiety - depression, to eliminate the problems for which he consults.


The chronicity of symptoms following a trauma, especially if it is light, can only be explained by its occurrence on an already weakened or predisposed ground:


weakened if the patient has already suffered trauma so early that he has since forgotten them, including childbirth or fetal life.


predisposed if the patient has inherited family “blemishes”, regardless of the degree of filiation.

Another pathology

It is therefore this ground that must be treated if we want a definitive cessation of the disease, and not a momentary sleepiness, or worse, its replacement by another pathology.


It should be known that a psychological trauma often leads to physical disorders (psychosomatic pathology) because, energetically, the exhaustion of the anti-stress glands (thyroid and adrenals) rubs off in the long run on their physical regulation functions._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


Paradoxically, a physical trauma can generate, always energetically, more or less long-term psychic disorders if it affects, among other things, joints through which pass for example nerves related to these glands (somato-psychic pathology).


The role of the technique of this practice is not to put the affected elements back in place directly, the role of the surgeon or the vertebrotherapist, but to seek the initial cause, the cause of the cause as Hippocrates already said, and to stimulate by massage, and in an adequate way, the nervous system so that the body makes the repair itself.


It is necessary to go from session to session the energy plans from the coarsest (the most recent symptoms) to the most subtle (birth ground), each session leading, by the erasure of the energy imbalance then presented, a reappearance of older symptoms, therefore a regression to the past.

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Fleur de lotus

Some precisions

The more the regression thus induced brings the patient towards the origin of his problems, the more the recent and old symptoms are amplified.


As soon as the initial lesion appears, and it is erased, the patient acquires a balance that he may never have known.


Which leads a priori, apart from the elimination of his disorders, to a general circulatory improvement, with the consequence of a psychic serenity and a maximum performance of the physical possibilities (anti-microbial fight, fatigue, digestion, practice of sport, etc. ..).

The question everyone is asking

is how, without a needle, medicine, electrical equipment, touching the skin can trigger such a phenomenon:


Contrary to classical medical opinion, and apart from the extreme cases of structural degradation which will be considered later, the physical body and the Conscious are energetically only projection screens of the Unconscious memory of the individual, like a screen of television projects, after decoding, the magnetic support of a VCR cassette.


Thus, surgery repairs any deterioration of the circuits and wiring, medication compensates for defects in the magnetic tape or wear and tear on the screen, and energy techniques deal with sound, image and color adjustments. , as well as frequency settings of the tuners.


Since we are not surprised that we can change a program or a setting by pressing a button, we should not be surprised to modify a physico-chemical balance by touching “keys” at very precise places on the body. Some will understand if I say that you can even use a remote control for this purpose.

Fleurs en pot de verre

The “treatment” consists of three stages 

Lift offsets, which initially worsens symptoms


Lift the primary traumatic lesion, which awakens the innate problems of     the individual.


Treat the site of birth, in order to avoid a possible recurrence.

It must be understood that this technique does not in any way consist of a deliberate act by the practitioner to remove the lesion or lesions that unbalance your body, which would require a diagnosis, but that its purpose is to eliminate the barriers that have been preventing your body from manifesting its defense for many years.

The question everyone is asking

is how, without a needle, medicine, electrical equipment, touching the skin can trigger such a phenomenon:


Contrary to classical medical opinion, and apart from the extreme cases of structural degradation which will be considered later, the physical body and the Conscious are energetically only projection screens of the Unconscious memory of the individual, like a screen of television projects, after decoding, the magnetic support of a VCR cassette.


Thus, surgery repairs any deterioration of the circuits and wiring, medication compensates for defects in the magnetic tape or wear and tear on the screen, and energy techniques deal with sound, image and color adjustments. , as well as frequency settings of the tuners.


Since we are not surprised that we can change a program or a setting by pressing a button, we should not be surprised to modify a physico-chemical balance by touching “keys” at very precise places on the body. Some will understand if I say that you can even use a remote control for this purpose.

Deux feuilles séchées

The “treatment” consists of three stages 

Lift offsets, which initially worsens symptoms


Lift the primary traumatic lesion, which awakens the innate problems of     the individual.


Treat the site of birth, in order to avoid a possible recurrence.

It must be understood that this technique does not in any way consist of a deliberate act by the practitioner to remove the lesion or lesions that unbalance your body, which would require a diagnosis, but that its purpose is to eliminate the barriers that have been preventing your body from manifesting its defense for many years.

The question everyone is asking

is how, without a needle, medicine, electrical equipment, touching the skin can trigger such a phenomenon:


Contrary to classical medical opinion, and apart from the extreme cases of structural degradation which will be considered later, the physical body and the Conscious are energetically only projection screens of the Unconscious memory of the individual, like a screen of television projects, after decoding, the magnetic support of a VCR cassette.


Thus, surgery repairs any deterioration of the circuits and wiring, medication compensates for defects in the magnetic tape or wear and tear on the screen, and energy techniques deal with sound, image and color adjustments. , as well as frequency settings of the tuners.


Since we are not surprised that we can change a program or a setting by pressing a button, we should not be surprised to modify a physico-chemical balance by touching “keys” at very precise places on the body. Some will understand if I say that you can even use a remote control for this purpose.

Jardin zen
herbe de pampa

The “treatment” consists of three stages 

Lift offsets, which initially worsens symptoms


Lift the primary traumatic lesion, which awakens the innate problems of     the individual.


Treat the site of birth, in order to avoid a possible recurrence.

It must be understood that this technique does not in any way consist of a deliberate act by the practitioner to remove the lesion or lesions that unbalance your body, which would require a diagnosis, but that its purpose is to eliminate the barriers that have been preventing your body from manifesting its defense for many years.

The question everyone is asking

is how, without a needle, medicine, electrical equipment, touching the skin can trigger such a phenomenon:


Contrary to classical medical opinion, and apart from the extreme cases of structural degradation which will be considered later, the physical body and the Conscious are energetically only projection screens of the Unconscious memory of the individual, like a screen of television projects, after decoding, the magnetic support of a VCR cassette.


Thus, surgery repairs any deterioration of the circuits and wiring, medication compensates for defects in the magnetic tape or wear and tear on the screen, and energy techniques deal with sound, image and color adjustments. , as well as frequency settings of the tuners.


Since we are not surprised that we can change a program or a setting by pressing a button, we should not be surprised to modify a physico-chemical balance by touching “keys” at very precise places on the body. Some will understand if I say that you can even use a remote control for this purpose.

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